splashscreen images of landscape images of urbanicity
"Humans have to learn a new way of dwelling on this earth. A way of living with their companions" — John Burnside

Jason Hindle

Executive Director

(236) 458-9675

Iridian Grenada

Operations Director

(672) 971-0820


In the ecosystem of community building, regulators, property developers, and real estate sellers often clash like ocean waves. While regulators strive for tide-like balance, developers pursue the eternal growth of coral and sellers seek to thrive amidst all the crevices of opportunity. Wrasse Group believes that the key to maintaining a community’s integrity within this dynamic and competitive process is to service all members of the ecosystem equally and in accordance with their specific needs — while respecting the natural push and pull of its diverse inhabitants.

Wrasse Group is a brokerage and consultancy firm based in British Columbia’s lower mainland and Fraser Valley regions. Composed of diverse professionals experienced in the fields of commercial real estate sales, business brokerage, and development consultancy, our mandate is to keep British Columbia’s reef of community and human development healthy for all who would call it their home.